The blesser is bigger than the blessing
Jesus. He is going to change your life today. That is if you change your prayer. You need the blessing, but you need the blesser more. When you get the blesser in your life blessings follow you. In the book of Mathew 6:31-33 Jesus says that God already knows that you need food. The same money for a house and clothe you are praying for God already knows you need it, however, he is waiting for your heart to desire something more. So that you won’t be coming to God every on and off asking the same thing, God wants...
Your Purpose- Carrying the presence of God.
What separates those who are fully fruitful and joyful in their lives from those who are not is purpose. While others are drawn from their purpose, others do all they can to get it and all they can to remain in it. Those who serve their purpose have found a way of carrying God’s presence in their activities and are enjoying it. Our purpose is to carry the presence of God, this is why we are created in the image of God, so as to better serve this purpose. In carrying the presence of God his glory is seen in...
Your Purpose- Carrying the presence of God.
What separates those who are fully fruitful and joyful in their lives from those who are not is purpose. While others are drawn from their purpose, others do all they can to get it and all they can to remain in it. Those who serve their purpose have found a way of carrying God’s presence in their activities and are enjoying it. Our purpose is to carry the presence of God, this is why we are created in the image of God, so as to better serve this purpose. In carrying the presence of God his glory is seen in...
Lift Your Hands
In the book of Exodus we see the Israelites fight the Amalekites. The Amalekites, in this case, could be compared to the obstacles you face towards your joy, spiritual and emotional fulfilment. You have dreams but something keeps coming up that you have to fight and overcome. So in the book of Exodus the Israelites on their journey to the promised land faced the Amalekites in battle. Just like the Amalekites attacked the Israelites, the enemy attacks us in different cunning ways using situations, people and anything he can find. The aim of these attacks is to make you fail....
What is a good prayer?
Have you ever wanted something so much that you never stopped working for it? Prayer is like that, working spiritually towards something. Sometimes we ask God for something and he decides to take his time to prepare us for that same thing, along the way we stop praying and even believing. That only goes to show we were not serious about our requests. Thessalonians 5:17 17 pray without ceasing According to Thessalonians 5:17 we should pray without ceasing. A man who really knows what he wants in life should be a man who knows what he should pray for and...
Do you know what manner of spirit you belong to?
Recently I was meditating upon God’s word, how Jesus encourages us not to worry about life issues but put our trust in God. How he tells us to turn the other cheek when we are smitten and go two miles when someone forces us to go one mile. I started asking myself of what essence all this is. Deep within me I have always sought answers to such questions from God and I have come to learn when one asks God a question, He answers. In answer to my question I was made to think of a time when someone...
Walking in the Holy Spirit
You cannot live a Godly life and work the way God wants you to walk in this life unless you understand how God works in your life. You need the Holy Spirit for this, not once, not twice but always. One of the purposes of the Holy Spirit is to interpret the word of God to us appropriately. As a child of God, the Holy Spirit should be your first counsellor. When a true man of God teaches, he teaches from the revelations of the Holy Spirit and for a true believer to understand and act accordingly he understands also...
How to read the bible
The bible is a mine of knowledge about our past, present and future. Future is foretold and the past narrated in the bible. The book explains why everything happens the way it happens and why it will happen the way it will happen. From Genesis to Revelation we are taught about this life we possess and how to ensure we do not lose it. Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; It...
Fulfilling purpose with love?
The world can only be a new place with new people. No matter how hard we try to change the current situations in the world we live in, as long as people are still who they are, there will still be pain. 33 “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.” Mathew 12:33 God sent Jesus Christ so that through love we can attach ourselves to the good tree in obedience. He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he...
In touch with God
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” The worship God is talking about here is the kind of worship Jesus Christ did. Worshipping from the heart and spirit. Asking God, what is your will for my life? What would you have me do now? How should I deal with this matter? The kind of worship that is filled with action according to the instructions...
The blesser is bigger than the blessing
Jesus. He is going to change your life today. That is if you change your prayer. You need the blessing, but you need the blesser more. When you get the blesser in your life blessings follow you. In the book of Mathew 6:31-33 Jesus says that God already knows that you need food. The same money for a house and clothe you are praying for God already knows you need it, however, he is waiting for your heart to desire something more. So that you won’t be coming to God every on and off asking the same thing, God wants...
Enter the Ark Before it is too late
The world we are living in shows many signs that it is not built to last forever. Our bodies too show signs of deterioration. However, God knows this and has fashioned a plan of escape. He has given us an arc so that even if this world is destroyed we shall still be taken to a new a better world and even if our bodies fail now we shall still be given new and eternal bodies. This plan is presented to us through Jesus Christ the Son of God who is the ark and the bearer of the covenant. Through...
Bible-Perfect Will of God (Danger of permissive will)
What is God’s perfect will for you? Do you know it? And if so are you living in it? What are the dangers of abandoning God’s perfect will for you? In the program ‘Just Before you go to Bed’ Pastor Mike Nwanegbo teaches about this. In the bible we have stories of people abandoning God’s perfect will for them and resorting to permissive will. In this video pastor Mike Nwanegbo shows us those examples and leads us into understanding the importance of God’s perfect will in our lives and how to live by it. Watch and subscribe for notifications whenever...
4 Basic Tenets of Remaining Faithful to God (For servants of God)
1. You can only remain faithful to God by the faith of Christ and not by your own faith. (Galatians 2:20). You must know that without Jesus you can do nothing. If you want to serve God by your strength you will fail. It is only by the strength of Jesus Christ, so our life is hidden in Christ, and Christ is hidden in God, so whatever we do, it has to be through Jesus Christ. You must know that without Jesus you can do nothing. 2. You must meditate on the word of God da y and night if...